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Farlington Home Guard 1943
L - R Back Row: Lordy Buck, John Brisby, Frank Welburn, J Carney, Les Wyrill, Norman Barker.
L - R Third Row: Billy Downes, Ben Smith, Les Bowes, ?? , John Vester, Harold Fewster, Tommy Farnell.
L - R Second Row: John Williamson, Dan Nelson, Syd Grainger, John Hayes, Lance Wyrill, Bob Galvin, George Harrison, Edward Potter (Patter), John Grice.
L - R Front Row: George Cheyne, Ray Bowes, Jack Wyrill, Lt Rich Wood, Vicar of Dalby (Rev. Jones), Ernie Hardy, Dick Galvin, George Cooper.
Stillington Home Guard
Frank Atkinson
Arthur Baker
Frank Bettridge
Charles Borwell
Dr Eric Bullen (Captain)
Eustace Burnett
Edward Church
Raymond Coates
John Coldbeck
John Henry Green
Yates Hardy
Edward L. Hope
Frank Howland
William Howland
William Hugill
Charles Jackson
Lawrence Jackson
Colin Kay
H. Leslie Kerrison
Fred Kitson
Harry Manson
John McDermott
Hugh Morse
Hugh B. Morse
Fred Moore
Lawrence Moore
Shallum Moore
John Nichol
Henry Otterburn
Herbert Petty
Ernest Rawlings
Benjamin Redshaw
Alan Redshaw
Algernon Richardson
H. Charles Russell
Fred Sanderson
Ernest Scurr
John Scaife
William Simpson
Robert W. Souter
Herbert C. Underwood
Charles Warren
Fred Whitwell
Henry Whitwell
Norman Wood
Richard W. Wood
Thomas B. Wyrill
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