1893 - 1895
Jan 14th Reopened the school on Monday with a rather poor attendance. The vicar visited several times. Attendance thin all week through sickness and the severe weather.
21st The vicar visited several times. Paid special attention to the reading in St III & IV this week.
28th The vicar visited several times. Attendance considerably better this week. Worked steadily through the week. 3 new desks came this week.
Feb 4th The vicar visited several times. Better attendance this week than it has been since Harvest. Paid special attention to the reading in St III & IV.
11th The vicar visited on Monday. Worked hard at arithmetic and reading. Very poor attendance.
18th Vicar visited on Monday & Wednesday. Tuesday being Shrove Tuesday we had a half holiday.
25th The vicar took the third division in Scripture on Tuesday & Thursday morning. Paid special attention to reading & arithmetic on St II & IV. On Friday the vicar brought form IX and the schedule for the Government examination.
Mar 4th The vicar took the first division in scripture on Tuesday & Friday mornings. Many children absent this week suffering from mumps.
11th Only about 20 children came on Monday so we sent them home until Thursday. All the rest were suffering from mumps. On Thursday only ten came and we sent them home for the remainder of the week.
18th Opened the school on Monday with a fair attendance, but more than half of St III were absent all week through mumps and several from other classes. The vicar visited several times. On Friday I examined the children. On Friday the vicar brought a note from the Drawing Inspector asking the managers to name the date for the Drawing Examination.
25th The vicar took the first division in scripture on Tuesday and Thursday morning. There was a better attendance this week but there still several absent through sickness. On Wednesday we received notice that the Drawing Examination would take place on Thursday morning.
April 1st The vicar visited several times. On Wednesday morning Major Richards came unexpectedly and examined the boys in Drawing. On Thursday morning I examined all the children and arranged them in order of merit. On Thursday we received notice that the Government Examination would take place on Monday morning April 24th. Holiday on Good Friday.
8th Very fair attendance this week. The vicar took the First Division in Scripture on Wednesday and Friday mornings. On Thursday morning I examined all the children and arranged in order of merit. On Friday Miss Borwell from Clifton came to school and taught St V & VI.
15th The vicar took the first division in scripture on Wednesday. I examined all the children on Thursday and arranged them in order of merit.
22nd I examined the children on Monday, Thursday and Friday. The vicar visited several times and on Thursday he read out the notice of the Diocesan Inspection. On Friday we received the report of the Drawing Examination which said that the school had passed a ‘good’ examination.
29th On Monday morning the school was examined by H.M. Mr J Eley. Several times during the rest of the week the week the attendance was so thin that I sent the children home without marking the registers.
May 6th The attendance was rather thin all this week. The vicar took the first division in Scripture on Wednesday morning. On Friday afternoon the children were examined in Scripture by the Rev M E Stanborough.
13th Attendance poor this week. The vicar visited on Monday. On Friday we had a holiday. We received the Scripture report on Friday.
Diocesan Report
Divisions I II III
Old Testament VG VG VG
New Testament VG VG VG
Catechism G G G
Prayer Book G G
Scripture G G
Hymns etc G G G
Written Work G G
Catechism G G G
“ The school has passed a good examination. It is evident that great pains have been taken in working up the syllabus of Religious Instruction according the Diocesan plan. The children in the higher standards displayed an accurate and intelligent knowledge of the Holy Scripture Subjects, and of the Catechism and Prayer Book, and the younger children gave their answers with much readiness. The Recitation of the Hymns and of portions of the Holy Scripture was intelligent and the abstracts from memory of the Church Catechism were equally deserving of praise among the higher standards.”
Signed M E Stanborough. Asst Diocesan Inspector.
May 20th The attendance was poor this week. On Friday so few children came that I sent them home and broke up for the Whitsuntide Holidays.
27th Whitsuntide Holidays
June 3rd Reopened the school on Monday with a fair attendance. This we got several new maps. On Whit Sunday we received the Govt report.
Government Report
‘ On the whole the school is in a pretty fair state of efficiency though the older scholars neither read well nor do their written work carefully. The children taught by Mrs Walker are well advanced both in elementary work and in sewing’
E Walker is continued under article 68 of the code.
Edward Walker, Certificated Master, First Class
Eliza Walker, Assistant Mistress, Article 68
Wm H Jemison, 5th June 1893,
Correspondent Manager
June 10th There was a better attendance this week. The vicar visited several times. On Thursday afternoon the vicar of Topcliffe and Mrs Hardy with several ladies visited the school and heard the children sing and recite a few pieces.
13th I visited the school this afternoon and examined & tested the registers and found nothing incorrect. Wm H Jemison
17th The vicar visited several times. On Thursday we had a holiday and on Friday so few children came that we did not have school.
24th The vicar visited on Monday and Wednesday. The attendance was poor this week. Worked hard at practice in St V and at fractions in St VI.
July 1st The vicar visited on Monday and Tuesday. Mrs Walker was absent from school this week. Attendance rather poor all week.
8th The vicar visited on Monday. On Tuesday we took all the children above St I to Scarborough and on Thursday gave all the children who did not go to Scarborough a tea and a prize. There was no school after Monday.
15th Resumed school on Monday with a fair attendance. The vicar visited several times.
22nd Only a rather poor attendance this week partly on account of the hay harvest. The vicar sent a basket of fruit for the children on Wednesday and Friday. This week we got some new books to complete the sets, and also some Kindergarten materials for the infants.
29th The vicar visited several times. The attendance was very poor this week. The vicar took the first division in Scripture on Wednesday.
Aug 5th Miss Borwell and Miss Wregglesworth, teachers from York came and assisted in the school on Monday and Tuesday. I was away from school on Tuesday and Mrs Walker was away Thursday. Attendance only moderate.
12th Attendance rather better this week. I was away from school on Monday afternoon. Miss Walker, a teacher from Hadfield came to assist several times in the school this week. Broke up on Friday afternoon for Harvest.
Harvest Holidays
September 23rd Reopened on Monday September 18th with a fair attendance. The vicar visited on Monday and Friday. Worked steadily through the week.
30th There was a very thin attendance this week, but nearly all the elder boys were away potato gathering. The vicar visited several times.
Oct 7th There was a better attendance this week except on Friday when many children stayed away on account of Mr Farrer’s funeral. We had a holiday on Thursday on account of the Duke of York’s visit to York. Many of the elder children were absent.
14th The vicar visited several times. This week a new stove arrived for the school. The attendance from the elder boys was still very irregular.
21st The vicar visited on Monday. On Thursday afternoon Miss Frost from Shipton N. School visited and heard the infants sing and recite a few pieces.
28th The vicar visited several times. Archer Ripley came back to school on Monday after being absent more than six months. Mrs Walker examined St III on Monday. Mrs Walker was absent on Thursday and Friday on account of sickness at home.
Nov 4th The vicar visited several times. On Monday the new stove was put up. It acted very well. This week spent a little extra time singing.
11th The vicar visited several times. The attendance was thin on Friday on account of Easingwold Hirings.
18th The vicar visited on Monday. Very good attendance all week. Worked hard at reduction in St IV.
25th The vicar visited several times. This week we devoted a little more time to singing in preparation for the children’s concert which was given successfully on Friday Night.
Dec 2nd The vicar visited on Monday. On Wednesday night the children repeated their concert to a good audience. The attendance was thinner this week on account of Martinmas. Mr Thackeray, Assistant Inspector, visited the school on Friday Morning.
9th The vicar visited several times. Mrs Walker examined St II & III on Friday. There was a fair attendance throughout the week.
16th The vicar visited on Monday. Rather poor attendance this week on account of sickness.
23rd The vicar visited on Monday. The attendance was poor this week. Broke up on Friday morning until January 2nd for Xmas Holidays
Christmas Holidays
Jan 5th Reopened the school on the 2nd with a fair attendance. I was absent and Mrs Walker conducted the school. On Friday night we gave all the school children, and all the old and poor people in the village, a good tea in the school room. After the tea the children sang and recited their pieces in the intervals between dancing.
12th Bad attendance this week owing to sickness and stormy weather. The vicar visited several times.
19th The vicar visited several times. There was a much better attendance this week. Mr Dale, the attendance officer, called at the school on Monday.
26th The vicar visited several times. On Thursday we got a new table for cutting etc. Rather a poor attendance through sickness.
Feb 2nd The vicar visited several times. There were a number of children absent this week through sickness.
9th The vicar visited several times. Attendance still rather thin.
16th The vicar visited on Monday. I was absent from school on Monday afternoon when Mrs Walker took charge. Attendance only moderate.
23rd The vicar visited on Monday. Worked steadily through the week with only a moderate attendance.
March 3rd The vicar visited on Monday and took the first division in Scripture on Tuesday morning. This week I devoted a little extra time to Drawing.
10th The vicar visited on Monday. Worked steadily through the week.
17th The vicar visited several times and took the second division in Scripture on Wednesday morning. On Friday afternoon Major Richards examined the boys in Drawing.
24th The vicar visited on Monday. On Wednesday afternoon I examined the upper Stds. Friday being Good Friday we had a holiday.
31st The vicar visited several times. On Monday Mrs Walker examined the lower Stds and on Wednesday I examined the upper Stds and arranged the children in the order of merit.
April 7th The vicar visited on Monday. On Wednesday I examined all the children and arranged them in order of merit.
14th The vicar visited on Monday. On Tuesday we received notice that the Annual Inspection would take place on Monday morning April 23rd. On Wednesday morning I examined all the children and arranged them in order of merit.
21st The vicar visited several times. Miss Gramshaw visited the school on Wednesday morning. On Wednesday afternoon I examined all the children and placed them in order of merit.
28th On Monday morning the school was examined by HMI, C J Colson esq. On Wednesday we received the drawing report which stated that the school had passed a ‘fair’ examination and that the examiner reported that the freehand drawing in St III was rather weak.
May 5th The vicar visited several times. I was absent on Wednesday and Mrs Walker took the school. On Thursday we had a holiday. Very poor attendance nearly all week.
12th The vicar visited on Monday. Attendance a little better this week. I was absent on Friday morning, when Mrs Walker took the school. Broke up on Friday morning until May 21st for Whitsuntide Holidays.
19th Whitsuntide Holidays.
Government Report
‘ The younger children are well taught but in the fourth standard and upwards Elementary Instruction is poor. Geography is barely deserving of any grant’
E Walker is continued under Article 68 of the code.
Edward Walker, Certified Master, first class
Eliza Walker, Assistant Mistress. Art. 68.
Wm H Jemison, correspondent manager, 21st May 1894
26th Reopened school on Monday morning with a fair attendance which improved during the week. The Government Report came during the holidays and is inserted above. The vicar visited several times.
June 2nd The attendance was good all week. The vicar visited several times. On Friday afternoon he read out the Notice that the Scripture examination would take place on Tuesday morning June 18th.
9th On Monday morning we examined the children and arranged them in order of merit. Very fair progress has been made with this year’s work. The vicar visited several times.
16th Very good attendance at the beginning of the week, but it fell off a little towards the end, owing partly to York Gala. Worked hard at the arithmetic in St IV & V. The vicar visited several times and took the first division in Scripture on Thursday morning.
23rd On Tuesday morning the Rev M E Stanborough examined the children in Religious Knowledge. On Tuesday afternoon we had a half day holiday. The vicar visited several times. On Friday we received the Diocesan Report.
Diocesan Report
Group I II III
Old Testament G G G
New Testament G VF G
Catechism & Liturgy G G G
Repetition VG VG G
General Remarks:
“ This school is making excellent progress. The Master & Mistress appear to have won the confidence of the children and the result is a system of Religious Education thoroughly and conscientiously carried out from the highest to the lowest standard. The writing from memory in Group I was most creditable and the discipline and behaviour of the scholars were all that could be wished”
Signed M E Stanborough, Asst. Diocesan Inspector.
June 30th Very good attendance at the beginning of the week, but it fell off towards the end. The vicar visited several times. Worked steadilty through the week.
July 7th The attendance was not so good this week. The vicar visited on Monday. On Monday afternoon Mrs Thornton, Stillington Hall, visited the school with the vicar.
14th Better attendance this week. The vicar visited on Monday and Tuesday. There was some improvement in the arithmetic of standards IV & V this week.
21st Very fair attendance. The vicar visited several times. Worked steadily through the week.
28th Mrs Walker was absent for part of the week through sickness. The vicar visited on Monday.
Aug 4th The vicar visited on Monday and Friday. On Monday Miss Borwell from Clifton Nat. School took the first class in several subjects. I was absent from school on Monday afternoon.
11th The vicar visited on Monday. There was no school on Tuesday this week. On Wednesday we took the children to Scarborough and on Friday we gave tea and prizes to the younger children.
18th The attendance was poor this week chiefly on account of the hay harvest. On Tuesday we gave some books to the children who had attended most regularly since the end of March.
25th Attendance was poor again this week. Broke up on Friday morning for harvest holidays.
Harvest Holidays
Oct 6th Reopened the school on Monday Oct 1st with a fair attendance which improved during the week. The vicar visited on Monday.
13th Many children absent this week, brambling and potato gathering. Admitted several new scholars. The vicar visited on Monday.
20th Paid special attention to arithmetic of standards IV & V. The vicar visited several times.
27th The vicar visited on Monday. Spent a little extra time on singing this week. Attendance irregular.
Nov 3rd The vicar visited on Monday. There was a good attendance this week. Paid special attention to arithmetic in standards IV & V.
10th The vicar visited several times. I was absent part of Friday afternoon Spent a little extra time on singing this week.
17th The vicar visited several times. Mrs Thornton from Stillington Hall and another lady visited the school on Monday morning. Very good attendance this week.
24th The vicar visited on Monday and Mr Dale, the attendance officer on Wednesday afternoon. We spent a little extra time on singing this week.
Dec 1st The vicar visited several times. On Tuesday night the children gave a very successful concert in aid of school funds. On Friday so few children came to school on account of it being Martinmas and the prevalence of sickness that I gave a holiday.
8th The vicar visited several times. Attendance was good. Devoted a little extra time to singing. On Friday night the children gave a successful repetition of their concert.
15th The vicar visited several times. Attendance good all week. Mrs Walker was absent Thursday and Friday.
22nd On Monday the school was used as a polling station for the Parish and District councillors. The attendance was not good this week. The vicar visited several times. On Friday I gave some rewards to the most regular attenders.
Christmas Holidays.
Jan 5th Reopened the school on Wednesday Jan 2 with a fair attendance. I was absent on Wednesday and the school was taken by Mrs Walker. The vicar visited on Thursday.
12th Very fair attendance. On Friday we gave all the children and all the old and poor people in the village a party in the school. No school on Thursday afternoon and on Friday.
19th Very stormy weather and only a fair attendance. Worked steadily all through the week.
26th Attendance suffering through the weather. The vicar visited several times. Mrs Walker examined St III on Monday.
Feb 2nd The week was so stormy and cold and so few children came that after taking scripture I let them amuse themselves with various games.
9th The vicar visited several times. Attendance still rather poor on account of the weather. Mrs Walker absent through sickness on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
16th The vicar visited several times. Mrs Walker resumed her duties on Monday. Mrs Watson of Crayke visited the school on Wednesday afternoon.
23rd The vicar visited several times and took the first division in Scripture on Tuesday morning. On Tuesday received notice that the drawing examination would take place on Thursday afternoon Feb 28th.
Mar 2nd The vicar visited several times. Half holiday for Shrove Tuesday. We had the drawing examination on Thursday afternoon by Mr Hartley.
9th The vicar visited several times. On Thursday the school was used as a polling station for the County Council Election.
16th The vicar visited several times and took the first division in Scripture on Wednesday morning. On Monday I examined all the standards. Work farly well done.
23rd The vicar visited several times. On Monday we examined all the standards. This week we received notice the Government Inspection would take place on Monday 22nd April.
30th The vicar visited several times. On Monday we examined all the standards and arranged them in order of merit. On Friday we received the drawing report which was ‘good’.
April 6th The vicar visited several times. On Monday we examined all the standards and arranged them in order of merit.
13th The vicar visited several times and took the first division in Scripture on Wednesday morning. On Monday we examined all the standards. Holiday on Friday, it being Good Friday.
20th The vicar visited several times. On Monday we examined all the standards. I was absent on Friday when Miss Borwell from Clifton came to assist Mrs Walker.
27th On Monday morning the school was examined by Mr Eley, H.M.I. There were 52 children present. On Friday we had a holiday. The attendance fell off this week.
May 4th The vicar visited several times and took the first division in Scripture on Wednesday morning. Many boys were absent this week working in the gardens and fields.
11th The vicar visited several times and took the first division in Scripture on Tuesday morning. Attendance rather thin all week. Pushed on with the arithmetic in standards II III IV.
18th The vicar visited several times and took the first division in Scripture on Wednesday morning. On Monday we put up the notice that the scripture examination would take place on May 31st. Poor attendance during the latter part of the week.
On Wednesday we received the Government Report:
Government Report
“ The older children have passed a fairly satisfactory examination, but the Infants are backward in reading and arithmetic. Could regularity of attendance be promoted better results might be expected. Order is good, and Needlework continues to be well taught.”
E Walker is continued under Article 68
Edward Walker, Certified Master, First Class.
Eliza Walker, Assistant Mistress, Art. 68
Wm H Jemison, Correspondent manager, 22nd May 1895
May 25th On Monday I sent in my resignation as master of this school having been appointed to Catton School. On Monday we affixed the balance sheet to the school door. The vicar visited several times and took the first division in scripture on Wednesday morning.
June 1st Attendance rather thin this week. On Friday afternoon we had the Diocesan Inspection by the Rev Ernest J Barry. Broke up on Friday afternoon for the Whitsuntide Holidays.
Whitsuntide Holidays.
June 15th Reopened school on Monday with a fair attendance. The vicar visited several times. On Friday I took down the balance sheet. The Diocesan Inspector’s report arrived during the holidays.
Diocesan Inspector’s Report
Division I II III
Old Testament VG VG VG
New Testament E VG VG
Catechism E G G
Prayer Book G G
Scripture VG VG VG
Hymns etc VG VG VG
Catechism (rep) VG VG VG
Abstracts or writing from memory VG G
General Report
“The results are very satisfactory and betoken careful preparation. With commendably few exceptions the work was uniformly well known in each division. Some thoughtful answers were given. A pleasant tone pervades the school”
Diocesan Inspector
Ernest J Barry.
June 22nd Attendance poor this week. Holiday on Thursday on account of York Gala. On Friday so few children came that I did not open the school.
29th The vicar visited several times. Attendance was poor, owing to some children working in the fields. My duties as master of this school ended on Friday afternoon.
Edward Walker.
July 2nd On July 1st I, Thos Wm Scott, took charge of this school. Miss Mary Scott, my sister, has undertaken to teach needlework and take charge of the Infants and St I. The attendance was very fair throughout except in the Infants. The vicar opened the school, and called towards noon.
9th Better attendance this week. Find the present timetable, under present encumbrance, unworkable and intend on making a new one. Find the children well up on their work except St I.
16th New timetable works well. Attendance not so good this week, owing to the haymaking operations. Attendance officer called on Monday. The vicar called on Monday.
23rd Better attendance this week. Improvement shown in reading and spelling. Drawing in rather backward in the lower standards.
30th Good attendance all the week. Paid special attention to map-drawing at which considerable progress was made. Miss Scott was from school on Friday morning.
Aug 6th On Wednesday last took the school children to Scarborough and there was no school during to the remainder of the week. The vicar visited on Monday morning (5th) and it being a Bank Holiday the school was closed in the afternoon.
13th Sent three children home yesterday, to stay away from school until the sores which almost covered their faces were healed. Bad attendance this week. Special attention paid to repetition and singing. The vicar called on Monday.
20th Moderate attendance only last week, but it was very good yesterday. Vicar visited on Monday. Worked consistently at all the subjects taught.
22nd Worked hard during the last two days at Geography and Maps. Attendance good.
Harvest Holidays
September 27th Harvest holidays commenced Aug 22nd and terminated on Sept 22nd. Vicar called on Monday morning. Poor attendance all the week.
Oct 4th Attendance variable, owing to the unsettled weather. Singing has greatly improved this week. Vicar called on Monday.
11th Good attendance all this week. Consequently good telling work done. Dictation and spelling have made big strides in the right direction. Also considerable improvement shown in drawing. Vicar called on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
18th Very good attendance all the week and work progressed well. Vicar called on Wednesday and took the first division in scripture.
25th Very good attendance this week. Good progress made in arithmetic and spelling. The vicar called on Thursday morning and took the 1st division in scripture.
Nov 1st Good attendance. Miss Scott absent on Tuesday and Wednesday (ill). Worked consistently all the week. Vicar called Monday.
8th Moderate attendance. Worked consistently all the week, progress shown in arithmetic. Vicar called on Monday.
15th Moderate attendance. Vicar called several times during the week. Worked steadily at all the subjects all the week.
22nd The vicar visited on Monday. The school attendance officer called on Tuesday and proposes sending a note of warning to the parents of Richard Spruce for irregularities in attendance. Devoted extra time to singing in preparation of the children’s concert.
27th The children gave their concert on Monday evening, it was very successful. I gave the school a holiday on Tuesday and on Wednesday morning only six children came. I waited until 9:30 am & as no others put in an appearance I closed the school for the day, which was dreadfully wet. A good number appeared on Thursday and Friday.
Dec 6th Vicar called on Monday. Children’s concert repeated on Tuesday evening. Dr Hicks visited on Tuesday and examined the offices, he found a quantity of rainwater in the WCs, which was due to the stoppage of a drain. Elizabeth Kay and Mabel Carlton from neighbouring parish ill with diphtheria. School closed on Wednesday. A great number of children absent through illness from colds.
13th A new drain was laid to lead the water from the school. Mabel Carlton died from diphtheria. Laura and Frances Carlton ill from the same. Moderate attendance. A new scholar put on the books. The girls attended really badly and the boys very well this week. Vicar called on Monday.
20th Sanitary Inspector called on Monday, he inspected the WCs & ordered extensive alterations. Infants attended very badly. Worked hard at Geography & reading in St I. Vicar called this afternoon, gave a week’s holiday.
Christmas Holidays.