Jan 6th Resumed work today. Pretty good attendance.
9th Master taken ill this morning with slight paralysis of left side. Work carried on by Rev Jemison, Mrs Bennett & Nellie Bennett.
20th Master able to resume partial work today.
27th Miss Gertrude Meek from St John’s School, Easingwold, is assisting this morning.
Feb 10th Master resumes full duty.
17th As 3rd Div showed bad results in Arith in an exam held last Friday. I propose devoting a few extra lessons to them & 2nd St.
20th Visit by W Thackray
March 4th The children have had some extra lessons in Arith during the past two weeks. The III St have made progress. St IV are doing better.
Mar 10th Fair attendance. 1 girl, aged 15, taken off the books.
27th During the past week an exam has been held at which the results show a marked improvement. Tomorrow being Good Friday, the school will be closed. On Easter Monday there will be a holiday.
April 1st At 9 AM this morning found the school full of chairs etc & no hopes of them being cleared in under an hour. I therefore sent the children home till the afternoon when there was only a small attendance.
May 8th Held an exam this week. Pretty good results.
June 10th Diocesan Exam today. No school.
Copy of Report of H M I
‘ Order is fairly good & needlework merits praise. The Master has been ill, & this may account to some extent for much of the work falling below fair. General improvement in the attainments will be expected next year. A few more reading books are required. Care must be taken to mark & close the registers at the time stated on the timetable & all the registers should be kept duly posted.’
24th Tomorrow being the day appointed to celebrate the coronation of HM King Edward VII there will a holiday. The school will remain closed the rest of the week.
July 7th I find the IV St very backward in Arith & in giving tests I have observed an improvement this week.
Diocesan Exam Report
‘ The work has been carried on under difficulties & taking all into consideration was satisfactory. The Old Testament in Div I was decidedly good. The monitress was over weighted but had made a commendable effort with the class of which she has charge.’
Old Test E VG
New Test VG G
Catechism G
Prayer Bk G
Other VF
Rep Scrip G G
Hymns G G
Catechism VG G
Abstracts VG
R H M Cooke
June 22nd Attendance VG. Some children regular in their irregularity, at work, illegally.
Aug 9th Several children absent. Held exam this week. Results generally good. Good progress made.
Sept 15th Reopened school after harvest holidays. Few present.
Oct 1st Attendance still but poor. Good progress made with those present.
6th Mr Bennett being unwell Mr T W Scott kindly is taking morning school this week.
20th School closed last week the room being required for a bazaar.
Owing to the continued illness of Mr Bennett, Mr Thomas Tinner taking charge of the school as temporary master from this day.
31st The vicar visited on Tuesday & Friday afternoons. The Attendance Officer brough Duplicate Register on Thursday. Low attendance on Friday afternoon.
Nov 3rd Visit I E Stanbrough
Nov 7th The school was closed Tuesday as the room was required for the purposes of the District Council Election.
8th Mr Bennett died at Midnight today.
11th Received from Board of Education Ten pounds grant aid for maintenance of salaries.
14th Vicar visited this morning and took part in Religious Instruction
28th Needlework & Drawing was taken this afternoon instead of Thursday as Mrs Bennett was unable to attend on that day.
Dec 5th Attendance has been poor this week. Several children have been absent on account of the poor weather.
12th Several children absent through sickness this week. Average low. The Vicar visited on Friday morning and took part in Religious Instruction.
19th Today my engagement as temporary teacher of this school terminates. Thos Tinner
Jan 5th I, Arthur Mewis, having been appointed as master of this school, began my duties this morning. My daughter, Amy Ann, taking charge of the Infants and Needlework, acting as Assistant under article 68.
Vicar visited the school.
7th School closed at 4pm until Mon Morning - Annual Christmas Choir Treat on Thursday & Friday.
16th Deep snow - the severe weather this week has caused a lowering of the attendance. (45.9)
23rd Average attendance this week 53.7. One boy ill with rheumatic fever. Drs certif. received and one girl with a scalded foot not yet able to return.
29th Visit (2) Thomas Eley, Sub Inspector
30th Attendance this week improved in regularity. 46 having made full week.
Feb 13th Attendance still improving with the fairer weather. Av 57.8. Mrs Thornton of the Hall brought a parcel of new books requesting that they be given to deserving scholars as prizes.
27th Tuesday last, being Shrove Tuesday, there was a half holiday. The heavy rains during the week have had a slight effect on the attendance - the high winds today keeping several little ones at home.
The vicar visited the school on Wednesday afternoon.
March 6th Quite a number of children have bad coughs some being absent on this account.
13th Attendance this week much lower than usual - absentees suffering from severe colds and coughs. The vicar visited the school on Wednesday afternoon.
20th The attendance much improved through return of those lately ill.
27th On Tues afternoon every scholar on the books was present. (63) Average for the week 60. The vicar visited the school on Thurs and Fri afternoons.
31st Last day of the school year.
April 3rd Re-arranged the classes on Wednesday morning for the work of the new year.
9th Easter Holidays. School closed on Thursday noon until Tuesday next.
17th Re opened on Tues morning. Miss Mewis absent on leave until Wednesday morning. The severe weather has prevented taking physical exercise outdoors.
24th The books given by Mrs Thornton were Tuesday last awarded to the girls for prizes for needlework.
Their names are as follows:
Gibson, Mina
Carlton, Laura
Scaife, Beatrice
Kay, Florence
Kay, Jenny
Wilson, Elizabeth
Knowlson, Edith,
Davill, Annie
May 1st Admitted Mary & Kate Dennis and Ada Shaw. The vicar visited the school on Tuesday.
8th Admitted George Cutler, George Scaife and Lily Brown. Average for the week 64.1
15th Copy of H M I’s Report for the year ending March 31st 1903:
‘Mixed School - The older children are well advanced, but the new teachers have not sufficient time to prepare the younger children who are backward.’
‘Infant class - The Infants are backward, but in consideration of the circumstances of the year a grant is recommended. Improvement will be expected next year.’
‘A A Mewis is recognised under article 68 of the Code subject to the furnishing of satisfactory medical certificate on the enclosed form accompanied by a statement as to the exact date of her birth’
School Staff 1903-4
Arthur Mewis Certificated Teacher (registered No 25685)
Amy Ann Mewis Assistant (ART 68)
May 22nd Assistant Mistress absent on leave since Tuesday - attending examination and inspection at Blackpool with St John’s Ambulance Association. Her place taken temporarily in Infant class by her sister.
The vicar visited the school this afternoon (Fri)
One or two scholars absent this week through illness. Several others potato planting.
29th Yesterday I received notice of the Diocesan Inspection being fixed for Wednesday June 17th at 2pm. I affixed and read out the notice. Broke up this afternoon at 4 o clock for the Whitsuntide Holidays - one week.
June 12th Reopened on Monday morning after the holidays. Admitted William & Walter Hammond, Alice Smith & Walter Bilton (all four of whom are visiting Stillington for a few weeks) and Mary Ann Thornton. The Attendances this week has been very good. The whole number on the registers having been present on two occasions.
19th Sudden fall this week in the attendance mainly in the Infant Class through severe colds. The Diocn Inspection took place Wed afternoon.
24th Copy of the Diocesan Inspector’s Report received June 24th
‘ The Religious teaching in this school is in promising condition. On the short time the teacher has been at the work a very distinct advance has been made upon the results of last year. Both classes were I very good order and knew their work well.’
R H M Cooke Diocesan Inspector.
The customary half holiday on account of the inspection was given yesterday afternoon (Thurs)
July 3rd Crayke Feast on Wed was the cause of a lower attendance. Haymaking too had started in one or two places in the parish. Three of four children here on a visit have returned home - their number have bee struck off the register.
10th On Thursday afternoon immediately after 4 o clock Miss Hobson addressed the older scholars St I-VII, on the work of the Church Missionary Society. The vicar and Mrs Hardie were also present.
Haymaking is now pretty general, several of the older scholars away in consequence.
13th Visit (1) Thos Eley, Sub Inspector of schools
24th Ordinary progress
30th The annual school and choir trip to Scarboro’ takes place tomorrow (Fri). School closed on account of this. St II upwards only taken as always. St I and the Infants to have their tea and games on Monday.
Aug 6th The younger children had tea and games on Monday last after school with the distribution of toys.
Broke up this (Thurs) afternoon at 4 for the Summer holidays.
Sept 11th Reopened on Monday morning. The heavy and continuous rains have seriously delayed the harvest and a number of scholars have on this account not returned to school this week.
18th Av att for this week 59 - an improvement. Several children still away on account of harvesting.
25th The attendance officer recently appointed by the New Education Authority called this afternoon. A part of the school stock (books etc) requisitioned in July came to hand last night. Av for week 63.2
Master absent from school on Monday morning - called from home on important business.
Oct 9th Have this week completely run out of exercise books and f’cap paper, the remainder of the requisitions not having come to hand.
16th Received on Tues last from the Education Comt a letter authorizing me to ask the Correspondent to obtain sufficient stationary to last about a month to tide over the continued delay in the delivery of such goods by the contractor to the Education Comt. A small order for exercise books and f’cap was sent to Messrs Brown & Sons, York, and the goods came to hand this Friday morning.
30th Heavy and continuous rains have made it inadvisable to have physical education out of doors. I have during the last fortnight taken suitable indoor exercises or substituted other lessons. A further instalment of stationary etc came to hand.
Nov 13th Easingwold hiring fair this week - several absentees from the school on his account, also three away ill. Tom Brown left the neighbourhood.
20th On Monday Mr Mennell Assistant Sec Education Comt called respecting application for additional desks. Authorized me to purchase a door mat, and to get and estimate for fireguards; the voucher and estimate to be forwarded to Northallerton.
Snow on Tues morning interfered somewhat with the attendance.
Dec 4th Ordinary progress. Snow on two days affected attendance. Arthur Cobb & Arthur Heslop absent with skin eruptions. Kate Dennis with mumps.
11th Av att this 57.6 - lowest this year - four absent all week and two most of the week through illness. Mary Hawkswell (over 14) away all week.
18th Illness among the scholars continues. Av att this week 56.6.
22nd Broke up this week for Christmas Holidays - two weeks.
Yesterday 3 of the 4 new desks came to hand - the carrier reported that the other was badly broken on the railway and not fit to bring away. I have reported this to the Education Committee.
Attendance this week very low - 12 children reported ill.
Jan 15th Reopened after the Christmas Holidays with good attendance.
Admitted five new scholars: Elsie & Mina Tindall, Frank & Ethel Batty & Arthur Ellis
Av this week 65.5
On Monday a new desk arrived to replace the one broken in transit.
22nd Admitted Louisa Mary Wood & Annie Brown.
19th The vicar visited the school on Monday and Friday afternoons. The av attendance this week is the highest hitherto - 68.1
The Green has been, and still is, in an unfit state for taking physical exercises out of doors. Even the roads have been too muddy for the marching.
Feb 5th Ordinary progress. The vicar visited the school on Wednesday afternoon.
12th The vicar visited and took the older children in Scripture lesson.
19th Usual half holiday on Tuesday afternoon - Shrove Tuesday.
26th The av this week up to Thurs aft was 70.1, but the sudden fall of snow this morning (Fri) caused a reduction in number present and this av = 68.7
Mar 4th Assistant Mistress absent this week ill; her sister has been taking her place. The vicar visited the school this afternoon.
11th Mistress returned to school on Mon morning.
25th Ordinary progress. Frank and Ethel Batty left the neighbourhood this week.
31st On Monday last this school room used as a polling station for the Rural District Council Election. Broke up this (Thurs) afternoon at 4 for Easter Holidays - reopen on Tues morning.
April 8th Reopened school Tuesday morning with a good attendance - 71. Admitted 2 new scholars, Thos Howland and Edward H J H Candler. The vicar visited this school this afternoon (Fri).
15th Ordinary progress. The vicar took the Scripture lesson on Wed with the older children.
22nd Needlework prizes, fifteen in number, were distributed by the vicar. The prizes were given by Miss Mewis and were awarded to the following girls;
Mina Gibson, Beatrice Scaife, Annie Howland, Lilian Carlton, Lily Jackson, Edith Knowlson, Edith Cobb, Elizabeth Wilson, Ida Gibson, Annie Davill, Dora Gibson, Alice Scaife, Hannah Deal, Hilda Jackson and Gertrude Kay.
29th Good attendance again this week. All present on Thursday afternoon - average 72.2. The vicar took the upper classes in Scripture Fri. morning.
May 5th Copy of H. M. I.’s report for the year ending March 31st 1904:-
‘Mixed school. The conditions under which the school has been taught are the same as those of previous years and the progress of the children has been as satisfactory as could reasonably be expected.
Infant Class. The Infant Class are fairly well taught. The principles of word building should be applied by the children to their reading lessons and the teaching of Number lacks system and graduation.’
School staff 1904-5
Arthur Mewis Certificated Teacher Registered number 25685
Amy Ann Mewis Assistant under Art 68
Signed W H Jemison
Grant M, 21/- per head
F, 16/- per head
May 13th On Monday morning Mr R Tatham, architect of London, by direction of the Board of Education, visited the school for the purpose of reporting upon the buildings
20th Broke up this morning at 12 for Whitsuntide Holidays - one week. Wm & Fred Bluitt’s names removed from the registers - left the neighbourhood.
June 3rd Reopened on Monday morning after the holidays. William E Nelson admitted and Alice Smith left this week, the latter has returned to her parents.
7th Received notice that Diocesan Inspection is fixed for Thurs 23rd inst at 9.45 AM. The vicar read, and I affixed the notice.
17th York Gala Week - usual half holiday on Thursday afternoon.
24th Dioc. Inspection on Thurs morning - usual half holiday on this account given this morning (Fri). Admitted 4 new scholars.
July 1st Crayke Sports yesterday - several children absent inconsequence.
4th Copy of Dioc. Inspection report received today
'The promise of the last year has been well maintained. The order is excellent in both classes and the tone is very good. The children are responsive and the work is very well known. I was pleased with the work done in St John’s Gospel.'
R H A Cooke Dioc: Insp.
22nd The Annual Summer excursion of the school Choir took place on Wednesday (20th). Scarboro’ being again visited. School in consequence was closed on Wednesday (all day) and also on Thursday morning. As usual Stand I and Infants had tea, games and toys in the school room in lieu of going from home - this on Thurs afternoon after school was closed.
Aug 4th Broke up this afternoon (Thursday) at 4 for Summer holidays - 4 weeks.
Sept 16th Reopened on Monday morning after holidays with a good attendance - 74. Admitted two new scholars. The board of Education and the Educ Comte were notified during the holidays that the holidays had been extended to 5 weeks.
23rd A case of enteric fever has broken out at Davills on The Green. An order from the Sanitary Inspector has reached me to exclude from school scholars living in the infected house. Annie & Lilian Davill are, therefore, not permitted to attend school.
30th An unusual and sudden drop in the attendance on Tuesday afternoon through a number of scholars fro varying reasons happening to be away at the same time. Several families of 3 and 4 each were principal cause of the difference. No present 63.
Oct 14th Visit J W Bell
18th School closed this afternoon at 4 until Monday morning on account of a Bazaar for school and church purposes being held in the school on Wed & Thurs (19th & 20th)
Nov 4th Ploughing and hedge cutting competitions taking place at Marton on Wednesday was the cause of some absences from school.
11th A number of children suffering from colds and coughs.
18th Several cases of absence on account of the usual house cleaning in preparation for Martinmas day, held on Wednesday next (23rd)
25th Deep snow on Tuesday which has continued during the week has made havoc with the attendance.
Only 44 percent on Tues morning. The number since has gradually improved daily - viz- 51, 57, 59, 60, 60, 61,61.
Dec 9th Ordinary progress this week.
16th The Assistant Mistress (Miss Mewis) has been away this week attending the Cambridge Senior Local examination in York. Her sister has acted in her absence.
23rd Broke up this afternoon at 4 for the Christmas Holidays - 2 weeks. 12 children have been away this week through illness - colds.