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Stillington and District Community Archive

In the Heart of North Yorkshire




Jan 13th Reopened on Monday morning with good attendance - 71
Received notice during the holidays that L. Mary Wood was suffering from scarlatina.
20th The severe weather this week (snow) and the prevalence of colds have affected the attendance av 63.1

Feb 3rd Colin Wood’s name removed from the registers - has returned to his parents in Bridlington.
Adolphus Knowlson has been apprenticed at Middlesbrough.
17th Mr W Masterman’s baby buried on Tuesday. Phyllis and Frank were from school on that account, and also 4 of the older boys in Standard V acting as bearers.
24th On Wednesday afternoon at 3 o clock a joint meeting of the Managers of this and the Wesleyan schools was held to discuss the question of school-room accommodation for the parish. Mr Myles Stapylton, member of the N R Education Committee and Mr Douglas Smith, Secretary, attended by arrangement.

Mar 10th Tuesday, being Shrove Tuesday, there was the usual half holiday.
In the evening an entertainment, in which the elder scholars took prominent part, was given in aid of the summer excursion.
17th Thirteen children have been away the whole or part of the week, and last, with afflictions of the throat. The attendance has been materially decreased in consequence. Av attendance 61.5 - no on the books 79.
31st Last day of the school year. Rev W H Jemison distributed a quantity of biscuits among the scholars.

April 7th Started the school year on Monday by promotion of the scholars.
10th Received a copy of H M I’s report which is as follows:
‘Mixed - The school is being carried on under the same condition as those of previous years. Special attention should be given to arithmetic as this subject at present is lacking in intelligence. In the oral lessons the answering should be more general and complete.
Infant Class - The Infants are making fairly satisfactory progress.’

Staff 1905-1906
Arthur Mewis - Cert Teacher registered no 25685
Amy Ann Mewis - art 68

Signed W H Jemison

20th Easter Holidays - Broke up this afternoon (Thur) for one week.

May 5th Reopened on Monday after the holidays. Heavy rain on Tues somewhat interfered with an otherwise good week’s attendance.
12th The scholars were photographed this afternoon in three groups.
19th Admitted Mabel, Maggie and Jennie Appleby, Moxby. Av att this week 77.9.
Needlework prizes - Rev W H Jemison distributed prizes (15 in number) to the following girls -
Gibson, Brenda                  Scaife, Maude
Cobb, Amy                           Masterman, Phyllis
Jackson, Lily                      Gibson, Ida
Carlton, Lilian                   Gibson, Brenda
Kay, Jenny                            Jackson, Hilda
Wilson, Elizabeth            Wilson, Florence
Beal, Ada                              Dennis, Kate
Tindall, Mina

The prizes were the personal gift of the sewing mistress (Miss Mewis).

26th Chicken Pox has this week broken out among the children.
Scarlatina reported in one family, the children of which are excluded by order of the Sanitary Authority. The attendance has sunk suddenly - av 68.7.

June 9th Another case of Scarlatina reported - Alice Scaife. There have also been one or two cases of chicken pox and one of measles. The children of these families, therefore, are not in school.
Broke up at 4 o clock for the Whitsuntide Holidays - one week.
Received on Monday notice that the Diocesan Inspection is fixed for Tuesday 20th June at 1:30pm.
23rd On Monday afternoon the physical exercises instructor drilled standards 2 to 6 on the playground.
On Tues afternoon the Doic: Insp conducted the annual examination. On Thurs aft the customary half holiday was given on account of the Yorkshire Gala.
Chicken Pox is still very prevalent and the number of absentees on that account, especially among the infants has increased - only 9 infants present today (Fri).
The vicar visited the school on Monday & Friday afternoons.
30th Illness still prevalent especially amongst the younger children.
The Attendance Officer called and took a list of all cases of absence through illness for the information of the Medical Officer of Health.
Tonight, at 7.30, a meeting of the ratepayers is to be held in the school room at which Mr Douglas Smith, Education Secretary, will conduct an enquiry in connection with the proposed new Council School.

July 7th  Another case of scarlatina reported in the village - James Mair.
Several fresh cases of illness (Not scarlatina) also have broken out and one girl, Dora Ripley, has met with an accident by falling from a horse.
Received the report of the Dioc: Insp: visit on June 20th - copied following page

  General Report
‘ The teaching has again been very carefully & conscientiously given in both classes, and the children answered with considerable keenness.’
R H M Cooke Dioc: Insp.

July 14th A large basket of fruit (red currents) was distributed by the vicar this afternoon among those present and portions were sent to those unable to attend through illness.

17th Another case of scarlatina - Annie Davill - reported by Sanitary Inspector.

21st Irene Orchard has been kept from school by her parents for fear of infection & this is the third week of her absence and this week the Carlton and the Scorbys have been absent for a similar reason.
31st The Annual Summer Excursion to Scarboro took place on Friday last (28th)  - school closed on that account. The children of Standard I and Infants who do not join the trip had their tea as usual in the school room on Saturday followed by games in an adjoining field.
The Scaife family, now fully recovered from the scarlatina, returned to school Tuesday last.

Aug 11th Broke up this (Fri) afternoon at 4 o' clock for the Summer Holidays - 5 weeks.

Sept 22nd Reopened on Monday morning. Admitted Richard, Mary, Sidney and Alberta Pickering.
Received notification of the outbreak of scarlet fever in Maw’s family, this is the second case there.
Annie and Lilian Davill returned to school - recovered from fever.
Several children were absent on Wednesday attending the Agricultural Show at Easingwold.
29th Struck off this week the names of Frank Atkinson (14), Thos May (14) left for work and Gertrude Long who has returned to her parents in York. Admitted Alice Davill and Elsie M Ripley.

Oct 6th Received notification of outbreak of scarlatina at Dennis’


 The Vicar, Rev W H Jemison LLB

Died on Saturday last, Oct 7/05

13th The school was closed on Wednesday(11th) - the day of the late vicar’s funeral. The scholars contributed to the purchase of a wreath, and marched in procession to the church at 1:30 pm, each child carrying flowers which were dropped into the grave.
20th Hilda Jackson’s name removed from the registers - gone to Leeds for an indefinite time - at least a month. Exceptionally good attendance this week - av 81.8. The only cases of whole week absence has been those excluded with scarlatina - Maws (2) Dennis’s (3)
27th Ordinary progress.

Nov 3rd The weather this week (rain and fog) has interfered somewhat with the regularity of the attendance. Several cases of illness reported, and the two boys Geo Bradley and Rob Gibson, now over 14 years, have been attending irregularly lately.
10th G Bradley and R Gibson now gone to work - names removed from the registers.
Hannah & James Maw returned to school on Tuesday.
Received notice of outbreak of diphtheria at Ripleys. Elsie Ripley and Peter Darley excluded from school in consequence.
24th Martinmas Week - a general lowering in attendance from various causes, including York Fair - and the assisting brother and sister who are leaving their places.
Four of the girls acted as carriers at a Child’s funeral on Wed Morning.

Dec 1st Admitted this week George, Charles and Doris Borwell recently removed to Stillington.
Mr Bell visited the school on Tuesday afternoon to hear an object lesson in the Mixed Department, and to see the Kindergarten of the Infants.
8th Master absent from school on Thursday - on school business with the Education Secretary. Assistant Mistress left in charge.
15th Increased attendance this week Av85.9. (The cases of exclusion through Diptheria, Scarlatina have not yet returned, although the homes have been disinfected.) No on book 97.
22nd Broke up today at noon for the Christmas Holidays - 2 weeks. Admitted this week Ernest Roger Kerrison.


Jan 12th Reopened on Monday morning after the Christmas Holidays.
Admitted Richard Kerrison, Florence Wilknson, Ida Brown, Harold Hewitt.
Av att this week 88.1. No on reg 102. The seating accommodation has for some time been very cramped, the desks having more in them than they will conveniently hold. This has been a especially the case this week.
19th There has been this week quite an epidemic of colds among the children causing a sudden drop in the number present. The av att has been 65.6. 21 have not been present at all.
25th On Tuesday the room was used for the General Parliamentary Election - a holiday in consequence.
I, Arthur Mewis, have resigned the headship of this school. My term expires on March 31st next , but by arrangement with the Managers I leave today.
Mr W H Metcalfe, as supply teacher sent by N R Education Comt takes charge on Monday next. A holiday tomorrow (Fri)
My daughter and I wish to express our thankful appreciation of the uniform kindness and consideration extended to us during our three year stay here, and we both very much regret leaving our pleasant and agreeable surroundings.

Jan 30th I took temporary charge of this school - W H Metcalfe 83 present AM.
There are no assistant here to help me, consequently I cannot follow the timetable.
In the afternoon the girls took silent reading in place of Needlework, there being no-one to teach that subject.

Feb 1st 87 chn present this morning. The Infants have to be a little neglected and consequently interfere with the work of the other classes.
Mr Wood, the correspondent, called to say that an assistant Mistress would commence duties here on Monday next.
5th Miss Boyes commenced duties as assistant Mistress this morning (temporary)
8th Examined chn in reading, recitation, arithmetic.
9th Mr Jefferson SAO, visited the school and enquired after absentees.
12th Miss F Abell commenced work here, taking St II and III. She has been Monitress in Farlington School, and by order of N R Ed Comt is present only on trial.
14th A snowy morning somewhat interfered with the attendance.
22nd Examined chn in Composition, Arithmetic, Dictation and Drawing.
23rd Av att for Feb 84.76 Percentage 85.18
27th Usual half holiday for Shrove Tuesday.

Mar 2nd Av for wk 89.8
7th Visit from Attendance Officer AM 93 chn present out of 100.
9th Average for wk = 91.6, which is an improvement on previous weeks.
12th A very stormy morning seriously interfered with attendance, only 74 present out of 100.
The correspondent, Mr Wood, visited the school and checked the registers.
19th The Attendance Officer visited the school pm and enquired after the absentees - 94 chn present.
22nd Attendance has greatly improved this week, average for wk being 92.2.
26th Only 70  chn present this morning, owing to the severe snow storm.
29th The Attendance Officer visited the school AM

April 5th Visit from Attendance Officer.
6th Have been prevented by illness from being present the whole of this week. Mr F Mewis kindly took charge during my absence.
12th We closed school this afternoon for the Easter Holidays. School reopens on Tues 24th inst.
24th Reopened school this morning with a poor attendance.
25th The School Attendance Officer visited school. Admitted Enid Ripley.
26th Attendance bad owing to the snowy morning.

May 3rd Attendance Officer visited the  school.
4th Av Att for week = 88.5
11th Av for wk = 83.1. The attendance this week has been bad, in many cases due to sickness.
14th Received notice of Diocesan Inspection which is to be held on May 30th at 10am.
The attendance this morning has improved considerably.
21st Admitted Arthur Ashby from Bedale. An improved attendance, 92 present AM. Our desks are overcrowded and chn have to write in a cramped condition.
25th Av for wk = 87.2
30th Diocesan Inspection AM. Holiday PM.

June 1st Av for wk = 85
Closed school this afternoon for a week, Whitsuntide - will reopen on June 12th.
12th reopened school with a poor attendance - 74 present AM. Attendance Officer visited school.
21st Gave Half Holiday this afternoon for York Gala.
22nd Av for wk 78.2
25th Deviation from the timetable. Examined STs II and upwards in Writing ( Composition & Grammar). This week end the 1st qu of the school year.
27th Visit from attendance officer.
28th Received report of Dioc Inspn held on May 30th - copied below.
General Report
‘In each class the chn have been very well taught and seem to have a good grasp of what they have learned. Their answers were very ready & to the point. The written work was not quite up to the level of the rest.’

June 29th Percentage for month 86.9

July 6th Average for wk  = 79.7
10th Man chn away this week, haymaking. The poor attendance is seriously interfering with our attempts to make satisfactory progress.
13th The school attendance officer visited the school. Av for wk = 77.
18th School attendance officer again visited the school. The attendance still unsatisfactory, though an improvement on last week. Av for wk = 80.
23rd Mr Wood, The Correspondent, visited the school and checked the registers.
27th Percentage for month = 85.79
We close school this afternoon for Midsummer Holidays (5 Weeks). School reopens on Sept 4th.

Sep 4th Reopened school this morning with a very poor attendance, only 51 being present. Have prepared a list of absentees for the School Attendance Officer.
Admitted John Harwood.
7th Av for wk 59.6
The vicar visited the school this morning.
14th Av for wk = 73.8
The attendance is still so bad, particularly in the top class, that no new work had been taken since the school opened.
21st Av 78.9
The attendance is improving, but is by no means good.
27th Vicar visited school. Gave holiday on Friday for the Annual School Treat.

Oct 1st The attendance officer visited the school and took a list of absentees.
3rd Visit from attendance officer.
5th Av for wk = 83.2
8th Attendance officer visited school. Admitted L Cobb.
9th Vicar visited school
12th Av for month  = 78.3
19th The attendance has bee very poor both yesterday and today owing to bad weather. Av for wk only 73.
22nd School Att Off visited.
23rd Holiday this aftn Church Dedication & Harvest Thanksgiving.
26th Percentage for month = 88.15
30th The bad weather is seriously interfering with the attendance and consequently with the work. The chn from a distance are evidently unable to attend. 69 present out of 93.

Nov 2nd Av for wk = 71.6
5th Visit from G W Bell Esq. Vicar visited school.
6th Mr Metcalfe off school ill (S A Boyes took charge)
15th Commenced duties as uncertificated mistress, (temporary) Miss Oldfield - S A Boyes.
16th Average for wk = 75.3
19th Vicar visited school.
23rd Average for wk = 74.7. Vicar visited school.
28th Commenced duties after being ill WHM
30th Av for wk = 78.8
Miss Oldfield finishes her duties as temporary mistress this afternoon.

Dec 5th The vicar and the school attendance officer visited the school this morning.
7th Av for wk = 72.3
14th Attendance this week has been bad av for wk only 70
Have admitted Florence Harper this week. No of children on book = 94.
19th Deviation from timetable this week. Exam end of 3rd quarter.
21st We close today for a fortnight - usual Xmas Holidays.
Percentage for the month = 75.94.


Jan 7th Reopened school this morning after the Xmas Holidays. 73 chn present.
Mr Wood, the Correspondent visited school and checked he registers. Miss Boyes has left the school, so at present we are understaffed and cannot strictly keep to the timetable.
10th Vicar visited the school.
11th G W Bell esq called at the school & enquired about school staff and attendance. Av for wk = 74.2.
15th The attendance officer visited the school. Miss Abell is away this morning ill, so have no assistance.
Mr Costello, Drill Instructor, visited the school & took chn in drill.
18th Av att for wk = 76.9. No assistant has come yet.
22nd Miss Barraclough - superannuated commenced duty (temporary) Attendance very poor - colds prevalent among children.
25th Vicar visited the school. Av att for wk = 66.3. Illness preventing many chn from attending school. Miss Abell still unable to attend.
28th Miss Abell commenced duties again this morning.
29th Owing to very cold weather only 56 chn are present this morning.

Feb 1st A very low average this week, owing to illness and bad weather. Av = 63.3.
8th Av for wk = 68.
12th Another poor attendance owing to bad weather, about half the chn absent. Usual half holiday for Shrove Tuesday.
14th Have commenced work again this morning after being away ill on 13th.
15th Vicar visited the school. Av for wk = 68.4.
18th Miss Abell away ill, so have to take Sts II & III along with the top class.
22nd Av for wk = 76.3.

March 1st The vicar visited the school. Av for wk = 73.7.
8th Av for wk = 75.1.
15th Improvement in attendance this week. Av for wk = 77.5.
22nd Vicar visited school AM. The school will be closed on Monday being used as a Polling Station.
29th Closed school today for Easter Holidays. We reopen on Tuesday April 9th. Miss Barraclough finished her duties as temporary assistant.

Ap 9th Reopened school this morning. Miss Abell resumed her duties, at present taking charge of Infants & St I.
12th Improved attendance. During the week have admitted Annie and Colin Kay - Infants.
15th Visit from attendance officer.
17th Another visit from attendance officer.
The Rev M H Smith visited the school.
18th Received copy of  HMI’s report -
Whole School
‘ The work is being carried on under great disadvantaged, but the Master is doing his best to improve the condition of the school.
It will be necessary to give special attention to the training of the Infants during the year’
Signed W H Metcalfe Cert Master.

26th Have admitted Ethel Borwell. Attendance during the week has improved. Have received notification that Miss Sackville will commence duties on Monday as Temporary Assistant.
29th Miss A Sackville began work as temporary assistant. The attendance officer visited the school.

May 1st Mr Burton, organizing inspector visited the school.
7th The attendance officer visited the school.
10th A very wet day seriously interfered with the attendance.
17th The vicar visited the school and brought notice of the Diocesan Inspection to be held on June 5th.
School closes today for Whitsuntide Holidays and reopens on Tues May 28th.
28th Reopened school this morning. Miss E White commenced duties as temporary Assist. Mistress.
30th Attendance officer visited the school.
31st Vicar visited the school. Miss A Sackville finishes her duties as Temp. Assist. Mistress in this school. Percentage for May = 90.1

June 5th Diocesan Inspection Am Holiday PM.
7th Av for wk = 80 No on bks = 89.
13th The attendance officer the school.
14th Dr Newman, Educational Adviser for the N. Riding visited the school.
Av att for wk = 77.4
18th Attendance Officer visited the school.
The vicar visited the school and brought the report of the Diocesan Inspection held June 5th.


General Report
Good work has been done in bo9th divisions. The order is satisfactory and the work well known. I was especially pleased with the way the youngest children answered in spite of a broken year.’
Rev H M Cooke Dioc. Inspector

June 20th Usual Holiday for York Gala this afternoon.
21st  Av for wk = 81. No on bks = 86.
24th The timetable will not be strictly adhered to, on account of quarterly exam.
27th The attendance officer visited the school.
28th The Rev M H Smith visited the school. Av att for June = 78 Percentage for June = 90.

July 5th Av for wk = 78.2
Readmitted Elsie Dight. Av on bks = 87.
9th The attendance officer visited the school.
19th Commenced afternoon school at 1pm instead of 1:30pm.
26th We close school today for the Mid Summer Holidays. Reopen Tues Sept 3rd. Only 44 chn present this morning owing to Choir Treat. On that account closing  early.

Sept 3rd Reopened school this morning  - 63 chn present. Miss Edith Tate (Art 50) commenced duties as Assist. Mistress.
The school attendance officer visited the school.

 6th Vicar visited the school. Av att for wk = 65.8
9th The school attendance officer visited the school.
11th J C Wrigley Esq, the Secretary of Education for the N. Riding visited the school.
13th The attendance officer visited the school. Av att for wk = 79. Left school after play to visit the Wesleyan School to take an inventory and no of chn in each St.
16th The attendance officer visited the school.
18th The vicar visited the school. Commenced school half an hour earlier and closed registers at 1.15 pm this afternoon in order to leave sooner - Easingwold Show.
20th Av att for wk = 77
24th Attendance officer visited school.
25th Half Holiday this afternoon - Sunday School Treat.
27th Av att for month = 75.54
J Bainbridge esq., Inspector of Buildings for N.R. visited the school.

Oct 4th Av att for wk = 75.7
11th Av att for wk = 74.3

14th The Church School is closed from this date and stock has been transferred to the new Council School.




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